Saturday, August 28, 2010


I know it's an odd title, but I'm in an odd mood so I guess it fits. I had fun yesterday for a half-hour or so, I made my son put on his grad-suit so that I could take some nice photos of him in it. His grad-night was actually 2 months ago but it was a cool, rainy day with not much in the line of workable backgrounds for photos, so yesterday was such a nice cool, sunny day that I figured he'd be fine in his suit for a little while and not get too uncomfortable, and we used our yard as the backdrop. Then I spent another 3 hours or so on editing and I really think they turned out well. I posted some on my Facebook but because of the compression that they use on that site for photos I really don't like how they all look on there. Anyway, today is a different beast of sorts, woke up to  another morning of my wife rushing out of bed, she had the whole week off but always seemed to have something that pulled her from our warm comfortable bed, makes a guy feel unappreciated to say the least. Then I get called an "old fart" by her, presumably because I'm not interested in going to this whole camping/fun day weekend the church I used to go to is putting on, I've cut ties with it, why would I want to go? Anyway, feeling slighted and unappreciated and wishing there was some other place I could be right now... can't wait to move to the city where I could just go out for a walk and have a coffee somewhere, or stay over night somewhere else and see how much my absence was felt. I swear sometimes I'd not be missed at all... oh well there I go again getting all melancholy and stupid sounding, well it is my blog so I can say what I want. Anyway thanks for reading and letting me vent a little, I'll leave you with one of the photos I took of my son in his suit, he's such a handsome strapping young lad :) 


  1. Now that is an awesome photo! I hate how facebook slaughters my photos :( As for melancholy - I am old friends with it. It's never welcome to visit, but it keeps showing up whenever it feels like it.

  2. Yes, facebook is horrible for photos, I've noticed that at times. If you compare this shot with the ones I put on facebook you'll see a big difference.
