Monday, January 25, 2010

New Semester

Almost a month into second semester at school and its amazing how busy we are already. Between school, photography gigs, work and family it gets very tiring. What makes it all worth it though is how much I love it all (busyness aside that is). Graphic Design is such an amazing field to get into, there is so much to do, so many ways it can be taken.

I stumbled across a list that all designers should know:
1) Designers are meant to be loved, not understood.
2) The purpose of design is to make the ordinary extraordinary.
3) The best designers are the ones who find good clients.
4) Design must seduce, shape, and more importantly, evoke an emotional response.
5) Good design can be planned, great design just happens.
6) Design the right things, design the things right.
7) Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Something to think about ;)

The illustration is my tribute to the X-Files show.

1 comment:

  1. You gotta lose the white text on black bg... so hard on the eyes... lol
