Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Food Food Fooooooood

Had to try my hand at some food photography for a class assignment. I've found a new photographic interest, I really enjoyed setting up and taking the shots for this project. Here's one of my favourites from the shoot. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It Begins

So, 3rd day of my first week down and it's looking like it's going to be a very very busy semester. We've had Advanced Design Applications and Corporate Identity so far. They are worth a lot of credits so take up a lot of hours. Very interesting classes so far, although we haven't really done anything "hands-on" yet, it's been mostly lecture, we did have presentations today on logo analysis. I think everyone did very well considering we only had the evening to pick a logo to analyze and put our presentations together, I keep envisioning how fun this is going to be in the field... reminiscent of "Mad Men", a great show on advertising and design back in the 50's I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day

Well that's it folks... first day of the last year of the rest of my life... Wow is that ever cryptic lol. What I mean to say is, my first day of my 3rd year of Graphic Design went very well. 3hrs of a 4hr class just flew by and we were let out early. It was great to see all my co-students (friends, acquaintances, peeps). This is definitely going to be an intense semester, 15 weeks of class condensed into 10 to make room for a one month placement. Because of this we have gone from what would have been 15 - 17hrs a week up to 23hrs a week. Very, very intense. Anyhoo, just wanted to try and keep this going on as much of a daily basis as I can. To end this post here's a picture of some wicked clouds over my neighbours house...

Monday, September 6, 2010

3rd Year

Interestingly enough the last 4 months have flown by, faster I think then when I'm in school. One single, individually solemn day left and my 3rd, and last, year of college will be over. I'm really looking forward to this year. It's going to be very intense I think but very good also. With the freelance work I've picked up on the side it's looking to be one busy year for sure. I'll try and post some blogs that pertain more to design and creativity etc... I know this summer has been more ramblings than anything else but it was to help get me in the habit of blogging, even though I still haven't got it down to a daily, or even weekly event yet... I leave you with a friend of mine I met at Science North this summer... enjoy.